On this show, Nicole Green, Director of Education at Animalearn, joined Lori to discuss the use of animals in education. Each year, millions of killed animal preparations are used in science and biology classrooms around the country. The animals include cats, rabbits, frogs, fetal pigs and others. There are better alternatives! Here is Animalearn’s mission from the website:
At Animalearn, we work to foster an awareness of and a respect for animals used in education. We strive to eliminate the use of animals in education and we are dedicated to assisting educators and students to find the most effective non-animal methods to teach and study science. Animalearn has created The Science Bank, our lending program of new and innovative life science software and educational products that enable educators and students to learn anatomy, physiology, and psychology lessons without harming animals, themselves, or the Earth. Our loan program has been offering products to thousands of people for over a decade, and it is continually growing and expanding. Animalearn also provides humane education curricula and materials free of charge for educators and students.
Animalearn is the education division of the American Anti-Vivisection Society, and the Animalearn website has great resources for students, teachers, parents and interested individuals. Nicole is a passionate advocate and a great communicator – we think you will enjoy this interview.
Plus, some HOT animal new items with Peter.
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