This show featured Kenneth Phillips, an Attorney based in Beverly Hills, CA, who specializes exclusively in dog bites. His entire practice consists of representing individuals and families who have been seriously injured by dogs. Listen in to learn the legal risks related to dog bites, what you can do to make bites less likely, and how to make your neighborhood and town safer. He also discussed the recent killing of Pamela Devitt, and the unusual charge of murder made against the alleged owner of the four dogs who inflicted the fatal 150- 200 bites.
Visit Ken’s site here, Anyone who has dogs or contact with dogs should listen carefully!
Then, Lori welcomed CT State Representative Fred Camillo, who discussed pending a bill he has been working on to ensure humane euthanasia practices. This came about after the tragic killing of a dog named Buddy by his owner. Here is Representative Camillo’s site for updates.
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