This was a big show featuring three wonderful guests! First up was Marc Bekoff, Ph.D., former Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and co-founder with Jane Goodall of Ethologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Recently a Harvard biologist working in Guyana came across a huge exotic spider (a Goliath bird eater). This unfortunate hairy arachnid was promptly “euthanized” by the biologist, to become a specimen in a museum. Marc commented on the practice of killing in the name of conservation, and the growing field of Compassionate Conservation. Marc’s site is here.
Then we welcomed Steven Wise, J.D., President of The Nonhuman Rights Project. Steven described the status of three lawsuits in New York on behalf of four captive chimpanzees. Wise and his organization are working toward establishing actual legal rights for members of species other than our own. Visit The Nonhuman Rights Project here.
Then, Srinu Lingareddy, D.V.M. told us about a set of diseases being seen more frequently in dogs and cats. Exposure to human hormone replacement therapy can cause a variety of serious problems, and guardians and veterinarians need to be aware!
Plus, the Northern White Rhino is just about extinct, SeaWorld is on the run, and more hot animal news from the week.
Thanks for listening!
I’ve read it here that most doctors are giving women synthetic (non-bioidentical) hormones, which just eliminate the symptoms, but it’s doing nothing to replace the hormones you have lost. Is there some kind of side effects for men?