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The cruelty of horse racing
Lori begins the show with an extended discussion about the cruelty of horse racing. This season, California’s Santa Anita Park has attracted significant media attention and activity on social media, as the number of horses who have died there keeps growing. Even Senator Diane Feinstein called for an immediate moratorium on racing at Santa Anita.

The Santa Anita horse deaths are a major concern.
At least 1200 horses die on US racetracks each year. The Santa Anita horse deaths are a major concern. When a horse suffers a “breakdown,” usually one or more leg bones has shattered, almost always a fatal injury in horses. These unfortunate animals quickly get euthanized right on the track behind a screen, or out of sight after being carted away.
Lori describes many other aspects of the cruelty that is an inextricable part of the industry. Remember horse racing is not a sport, it is a business and a gambling industry that exploits animals to the extreme.
Protests are occurring at tracks around the US this year, including a large one which took place at the recent Belmont Stakes in New York.
Lori suggests visiting Horseracing Wrongs to learn more and find out how to join those working toward ending horseracing in the US.

Legal Animal news
Then, legal expert Bob Ferber joins Peter to discuss two recent legal stories. First a New York restaurant owner is facing huge fines for refusing to allow service animals in his restaurants, in defiance of the Americans With Disabilities Act. And then, an airline passenger has filed suit against Delta Airlines, after being bitten by an emotional support animal belonging to another passenger.
Then Lori gives July 4th advice to help you manage your pets’ anxiety that may be caused by the noise and lights of the holiday’s fireworks.
Cats in popular songs.
We conclude with a fun piece about cats in popular songs including The Siamese Cat Song, Walking my Cat named Dog, Stray Cat Strut, and the theme from Felix the Cat.
FULL DISCLOSURE! I grew up in Louisville back in the 1950’s. When I was 14 years old, I won $40 at Churchill Downs on a horse named Through Express. That was the end of my gambling career.
Most of my KY kinfolk would string me up for saying this, but I’m of the opinion that thoroughbred racing should be outlawed nationwide. The horses are routinely run at too young an age, at too long a distance, and drug misuse is rampant. When not on the track, these herd and highly-social animals are kept stalled in near isolation, causing all sorts of stress: a true “Crime Against Nature.”
Remember Ferdinand, the 1986 Kentucky Derby winner? After earning millions for his owners, he ended his days in a Japanese slaughterhouse. Not acceptable!
Florida last year outlawed greyhound racing via the ballot initiative, should our legislators not be up to the task.. Time’s a-wasting. The horses deserve far better than this.
Please help to end animal cruelty by permanently ending horse racing.
Thank you,
Where can we begin to end horse racing and shutting down race tracks?
In the show, Lori features the organization, Horseracing Wrongs. Start there. https://horseracingwrongs.org/