On this show, Lori reviewed the film, Blackfish, with Director Gabriella Cowperthwaite and former SeaWorld trainer, Samantha Berg, who is featured in the film. Blackfish reveals the truth about the sordid business of housing sea mammals in captivity for profit, and about SeaWorld specifically. This powerful and compelling documentary has received many positive reviews and is a strong contender to be an award winner. It is a real eye-opener, so please see the film , and of course, do not buy tickets to the marine parks. More about Blackfish here.
Lori then spoke with Nathaniel Fields, President of New York’s Urban Resource Institute (URI), about its an innovative pilot program to assist domestic violence victims and their animals. Shelters or safe houses for domestic violence victims, almost universally do not permit companion animals. Yet, very often, the abuse victims do have animals they do not want to leave behind, making it difficult to get out of a bad situation. Nathan described the magnitude of this problem and how URI and its partner, The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, are addressing it through the PALS program (People and Animals Living safely). Visit URI here and here is more information on the PALS program.
And the news with Peter!
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