This show began with Lori describing two of her many adventures in cruelty free shopping. Some store owners do not know what to make of her, and Lori concluded her comments by stating that there no longer is any need to use products derived form animals.
Then Peter interviewed Institute for Justice lawyer, Rob Peccola, about a huge free speech issue in the courts that began when a Texas veterinarian with a radio show broke the law by giving advice on the air. The law states, in part that “a person may not practice veterinary medicine unless a veterinarian-client-patient relationship exists.” Dr. Ronald S. Hines had his license suspended for a year by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for violating the statute. This case has attracted serious attention not only of animal advocacy groups like International Society for Animals Rights and Advancing the Interests of Animals, but of organizations interested in broader free speech and enterprise issues like Cato Institute and Pacific Legal Foundation.
Lori then welcomed veterinarian Robert Reed, DVM, Medical Director of VCA Rancho Mirage Animal Hospital. Lori and Robert reviewed the current recommendations and controversies for vaccines in dogs and cats.
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